I am available to teach lessons, workshops or courses in your school, art centre or studio. I am registered with the Teaching Council of Ireland and fully Garda vetted. Please contact for queries and to arrange times and rates.
Johanna seated stages (side)
Copying of master paintings (copies selected from and reproduced by the National Gallery, Dublin)
Bargue drawings.
Cast drawing or cast painting. Working from the cast is an excellent way to understand the basics of rendering form before working with a full colour palette. I have a range of beautiful casts is available from which to work.
Portraiture from the model either drawing in pencil or charcoal or painting in oil.
Painting the nude in oil. Working from the figure is the artist’s most important challenge in understanding nature and learning painting.
Still-life painting in oil. Still-life can be an excellent introduction to using a range of colour in oils in describing the atmosphere, form and light of nature.